Portland Levees in National Spotlight

This week the Levee Ready Columbia program is in the national spotlight as we welcome the National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies to Portland for its annual conference.

The event brings together executives and officials from local flood management agencies as well as representatives from the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency management Agency to discuss trends and best practices for flood risk reduction.

While the NAFSMA holds their national conference in Portland, Oregon Solutions will convene a workshop to bring together nationally recognized levee experts, regulators, and operators to discuss practical strategies to advance levee projects.

The goals of the workshop include:

(1) increasing local knowledge and understanding of levee accreditation requirements,
(2) fostering communications between levee agencies and federal and state partners,
(3) initiating efforts to build a convening organization or network of Oregon levee agencies, and
(4) helping to identify funding strategies for local levee projects.